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Case study 1: Fitness introduction
Determine your course idea
Select, validate, and finalize your course topic
Case study 1: Fitness part 1 coming soon
Select a target audience
Select, validate, and describe your target audience
Case study 1: Fitness part 2 coming soon
Learn about your audience persona
Build your audience persona
Case study 1: Fitness part 3 coming soon
Create your course outine
Create your course outline
Case study 1: Fitness part 4 coming soon
Create your course curriculum
Create your course curriculum
Case study 1: Fitness part 5 coming soon
Create a mini course
Create a mini course
Case study 1: Fitness part 6 coming soon
Build an audience
Complete your customer profile, benefits, content strategy, how you serve, and use value-based marketing
Case study 1: Fitness part 7 coming soon
Launch your course
Launch your course with email marketing
Case study 1: Fitness part 8 coming soon
Next steps
What's next?
What's next?
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